Coaching Mentorship

Learn how to you structure and organize training to achieve athletes’ goals faster and more efficiently.

What’s included

121 sessions

Mentorship is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. Across eight weeks, you will have the chance to learn from one of the best Coaches in Europe.

1 call per week

Where we will get through training content and where you can ask questions, receive feedback, and get guidance on how to improve your training programs.

Helpful resource links

At the end of every class, we make sure to provide you with a list of helpful online resources to continue exploring what you’ve learned.

8 week Mentorship

Eight two hour calls covering the concepts of: Aerobic development, Anaerobic development, Strength, Weightlifting, Program design , periodisation, Nutrition and a call with practical work. Learn with one of the most expert Coaches on the Sports Field.


Heroes’ journey